Proposed Charter Amendments


The Board of Selectpersons will be holding a public hearing on a few proposed Charter Amendments that the Town would like to put forward to voters at the next annual Town Meeting in April 2020.  The Town Charter is the document approved by the citizens of Poland that determines how the Town is to conduct business.  These amendments are allowed under State law without having to form a charter commission because there is no fundamental change to the form of government within the Town of Poland that is being proposed.  The amendments are minor language changes and are show in blue (additions) and red (deletions) lettering within the attached document, no other changes than those depicted are being requested at this time.  

A public hearing is set to be held Tuesday, December 17th at 7 PM in the Town Office Conference Room.  If you have any questions about the proposed changes you may come to the public hearing or you may speak with the Town Manager, Matt Garside, at any time prior to the hearing.