A. B. Ricker Memorial Library News & Announcements

Amnesty Food Drive for Poland Community Church Food Bank

During the month of December Ricker Library will excuse overdue fines on currently borrowed (but late) materials in exchange for... more ››

Women's Suffrage

 August 18, 2020 marks the 100th anniverary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, giving women in the United States the right to vote.

Summer Reading Program 2020

Tuesdays July 07th,14th,21st,and the 28th, from 10:00 to 11:00 A.M. Classes will be at two locations: Preschool/kindergarden will be at... more ››

Marine Mammals of Maine

"A Seal's Journey" explores MMoME's work responding to and assessing animals in the field, the natural history and identification of seal... more ››

Butterfly & Insect Show

 Come see some of the world's largest, most beautiful, most bizarre and unusual specimens: both alive and preserved. Please call (998-4390... more ››

Amnesty Food Drive for Poland Community Church Food Bank

 During the month of December Ricker Library will excuse overdue fines on currently borrowed (but late) materials in exchange for... more ››

Steve Corning

KIDS! Juggling with Steve Corning Tuesday February 18, @ 3:00 P.M. Steve presents a fast- paced variety show of juggling routines, mind-... more ››

The LaClaires

LaClaires will be singing acoustic roots music on Friday November 15, at 7:00 P.M. (Please call library to sign up space is limited) 998-... more ››


 Friends of The Ricker Memorial Library will have their first craft fair. Saturday, October 19, 2019 at the Poland Town Hall from 9a.m.- 4p... more ››

Maine Libraries Reciprocal Borrowing Program

 What is the Maine Reciprocal Borrowing Program? MRBP strengthens library resource sharing across Maine. This program allows anyone with a... more ››

Gift Basket Sale!

 There are Three ways to Help 1. Donate Items for a Gift Basket 2. Create and Donate a Gift Basket 3. Come to the Library and Buy a Gift... more ››


 Get ready for a Halloween Science Adventure that starts off with a spooky but not too spooky Halloween story about Dr. Erlenmeyer... more ››

Mr. Drew And His Animals Too!

Drew And His Animals Too is a unique educational show using animals he has rescued and rehabilitated. Mr. Drew brings a "hands on"... more ››

Summer Reading Program

 We will meet on Tuesday mornings at 10 (July 9,16,23,30,and August 6) but children can also sign up just to read and/or attend special... more ››

Friends Yard Sale

 Yard Sale is 8:00- 1:00 P.M. Tables are $5.00 each and ten percent of whatever you make that day. Call library if you are interested in... more ››

Mad Science of Maine

 Radical Reactions Show is Monday April 15, at 2:00 P.M. Call the library to make reservations (Space is Limited). 998-4390

Person to Person

 Robbie Walker Will Present Hobby Rock Collecting in Our Backyards. An exploration of rocks and minerals. Please Bring a Dish to Share.... more ››

Sparks Ark

 Josh will show us eight different kinds of birds and animals. Talk about wild rehabilitation and animal damage control including some safe... more ››

Make It Take It

Join us here to make a few wintertime crafts and have some fun. Nursery And Preshool Age (10:00 to 12:00 P.M.) School Age... more ››


 Participants will dip their hands into three zones of Maine's rocky intertidal ecosystem and touch some of the ocean's most magnificent... more ››
